Friday, January 31, 2014

Anticipating Tomorrow's Meeting of a Fellow Author

I'm giddy.

I'm excited and nervous.

Is that too much redundancy?

Just a short post tonight to share my excitement about meeting a fellow author, my cohort in Broads of A Feather.  I do not feel that I'm a very social person.  I mean, I'd rather stay home and read books and write my own stories.  But for some reason this past week, I sent Carol a message asking what she thought of the two of us meeting.  Obviously she thought it was a great idea.

And of course I'm a bit nervous.  I mean, I'm meeting a new person.  A virtual stranger!  Granted, we've been friends on Facebook for a while now and have chatted here and there.  But to meet her in person...ooooohhhhhhhh!!!!!  Inside I am jumping up and down!

I will of course be blogging about the actual meeting and our plans after the fact as well.  For now I'm going to keep this short, and I'm not going to post a picture like usual, because my computer is being extra cantankerous tonight.  (Maybe it's still feeling the cold?)

2014 ~ One Month Down!

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