Wednesday, December 25, 2013

Christmas is...

Christmas is family.  An expectant mother and father looking for a place to rest after a long journey.  All they had was each other.  They knew no one in Bethlehem or that's where they would have been staying.

Christmas is a time for gifts. The gift of a newborn child. For many He was the expected Messiah, come to rule the world.  But for Mary and Joseph that night...he was just their son. 

Christmas is a time for hope.  As Mary and Joseph held their new son, they had only the promises of the angels.  They didn't know what the future held, but they hoped for good things for their son like any parent does. 

We don't always get what we want for Christmas, but sometimes exactly what we need to keep our focus on the things that really matter.

You don't need to believe in the Christmas story to celebrate the meaning of the holiday.  There is truth in every story and I've given you some in this brief post before I head off to spend time with my family.

Enjoy your day no matter the reason for the season. 

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