I hope everyone has a safe and happy Thanksgiving tomorrow.
Wednesday, November 23, 2022
Kiss and Tell?
Tuesday, November 15, 2022
Short and Sweet
Just a short post today.
I took my mom out this afternoon. Picked up the fudge I ordered from a friend through Facebook, then we picked up our Walmart orders. After fueling the car up, I swung into Dunkin's for hot coco and a donut (maybe 2). Then got us both home before it started snowing.
Now I have to go get back to laundry. Yay.
Monday, November 14, 2022
A Jump Turned into a Hop
Me last Monday: Ooh, an extra day off! I can get a jump on my blog posts!
Me last Thursday: What happened to this week? I have to do a post for Veterans Day and Monday and - oh bugger it, I'm tired.
I did have this nice post in mind for Friday, I even had a picture all picked out. But I lost track of time and it didn't get written. Maybe next year. For now, we'll just pick up here and keep on moving forward.
There are certain things in life I will always try to get a picture of if at all possible. Flowers. Pets. Deer. Moon. Husband. Mother. And as seen above, rainbows!
This particular photo is from July 15, 2019 near Shakopee, Minnesota which is just outside Minneapolis. That was in our first year of driving truck, and according to Google Photos we were coming from an Amazon center.
This particular day was one of the more interesting ones because it happened to be the day this warehouse had a strike. We decided not to cross the picket line and whichever one of us was in the sleeper bunk, I think it was me, had to call up the satellite image of Google maps for the area to see where the would be a safe place for us to get off the road and sit while we waited for the strike to end. We called our Dispatch to let them know what was going on and, well, there's not a whole lot that could have been done. We found a lot large enough for us to sit and just waited.
I'm not sure how long we waited, but the sky ended up opening. It poured buckets.
I don't remember if we decided to see if the strike had ended on our own, or if we talked to Dispatch first. But it was over by then, so we got in and got back out in time to see that amazing rainbow. In this second photo you can see better the faint double rainbow it was.
A little over a year later, coming up I65 in Kentucky, just outside Cave City there was this cool rainbow that pictures just don't do it justice because the fact that it wasn't a solid curve but a little bit wavy didn't come through very well. It was taken from the sleeper bunk by a somewhat cranky husband while the truck was still moving. In my defense, he was already awake as we were soon to be switching in just a couple exits. It's his picture posted above and to the right.
And one of the cons about driving truck locally is that I don't have someone in the sleeper bunk to take pictures when I can't just pull the truck over! This past weekend as I was coming north on I81, I was climbing the long hill after the I80 exits and even though it was noon, the angles were just right that there was a rainbow visible at the top of the hill! Given how miserable the weather was, it was a definite bright spot to driving that day. I think it was Sunday, but it could easily have been Saturday.
I can tell I had a cup of caffeinated coffee earlier today, I'm just running off at the keyboard! I've been trying to cut back on caffeine since July when the DOT doctor was giving me a hard time about my heart rate, rightfully so, but man oh man - life without caffeine is hard. Especially when your day begins at 3am. Earlier if you count the time the alarm goes off.
Okay, shutting up for now! Until next time!!
Thursday, November 10, 2022
A Picture's Worth
I absolutely love having a camera in my cellphone. Even before the digital age, I loved taking photos even though I had to take the film to a store to have someone develop them. With the cost of film, it was a hobby I had to take care not to spend too much on since at the time funds were limited. Still. I have more than a few old photos of animals and flowers. When I took off for college after high school, I even took a bunch of pictures of the mountains around home to help ward off homesickness. It didn't work, but that's another story.
But as technology advances, I can indulge myself in snapping a photo of whatever strikes my fancy. The photo I've posted first is an older one, taken with one of my first cellphones. I'm not sure if it was the flip-phone or my first iPhone, but it was one of them. Mr. Janney and I were walking along one of the trails on Round Top Mountain during one of my family picnics and here was this old stone wall covered in forest. I just liked how it looked, and the questions it sparked that I'll never have the answers for. How old is it? Why was it built on the side of a mountain? Who built it?
In the early days, device memory was an issue. I was always faced with the dillemma of not enough space. I usually emailed the photos to myself to save them before I deleted them from the device so I could take more pictures and repeat the process. Now though, there are different online 'clouds' we can store our digital photos. That, coupled with phones with larger memory capacities, I have a lot of photos stored. In more than one spot because for some reason I can't quite explain, I'm terrified of losing photos. I loathe deleting photos.
I don't even like deleting work related photos because 'what if' I need to call them up for some reason. I have year old photos of Bill's of Laden that I've only begun to weed out. But the fear that management will someday ask for the bills from back then persists. Irrational, I know.
One thing I just started doing in my Google Photos is to sort pictures into albums to make finding photos for blog posts easier. Photos help break up large chunks of text, something I try to avoid anyway. In a perfect world, I'd slap in photos that actually pertain to whatever I'm writing about. But that's not always possible, which is why there are a going to be alot of flower photos put in just because they're pretty. They probably won't have captions, because for some reason that throws off my formating and then I have to spend way too much time trying to get one paragraph match the others.
It's also easier these days to get the digital photos printed in physical form. If you have a good enough printer, you can do it yourself at home. If you don't there are bunches of online places you can order them, just the ones you want instead of the entire roll of film, and they can mail them to you. Although honestly I usually have them prepared at my local CVS because I go there at least once a month to pick of meds of one kind or another.
I may pick out older photos as I do this and write a post about them, just for something to write about and post for when life is absolutely boring. A boring day may be great for truck driving since it means nobody did anything out of the ordinary stupid for a change, but it doesn't make for good blogging!
Until next time!
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
A Lack of Oxygen?
Tuesday, November 8, 2022
Please Stand By
When we were kids, my siblings and I, we would get the biggest kick out of actually getting up and standing next to the television when that sign came up on the screen. What can I say, we were easily entertained and amused! We were goofy kids!
Monday, November 7, 2022
Scribbles and Scrawls
Friday, November 4, 2022
Posts About Nothing
Absolutely nothing. Nada. Zip.
That's one area I'm not going to put pressure on myself about. I'm just gonna write about the mood of the day. Banal inanities if I have to. I looked that up to make sure I had the definitions correct for banal and inanities, and yep - it translates to "boring nonsense". Maybe it'll bring amusement to someone somewhere.
So in my last post I mentioned the wash machine was singing its song. And I figured now would be as good a time as any to tell the story of how I'm actually glad to be hearing that little ditty.
At the beginning of August, we had an out of state family wedding to go to. Due to reasons I won't go into here, after some scheduling rearrangements, Mom was going to be riding up with Mr. Janney and I. She was going to be remaining up there to spend a few weeks with her sister afterward, and when the remodeling at her home was done I'd be returning to bring her back.
Fast forward to that day. It was going to be a day trip. I was going to go up early enough to spend the afternoon with whatever of my NY family was home, have dinner with them and then come home. Mr. Janney hadn't come with me because it was one of his work days; sadly we don't have days off together right now. And so, because this trip was going to change my weekly routine, he decided to be nice and do some laundry.
Imagine my frustration when he called in the middle of dinner asking for help because the washing machine wasn't working properly! He tried describing what it was doing, not spinning the way it should - just kind of jerking back and forth. It wasn't throwing up the code for an unbalanced load, and he'd tried moving things around anyway. He turned on the video portion of the call to show me what it was doing and it was definitely doing a new move.
Keep in mind, I'm roughly 2.5-3 hours away from home. There's only so much I can do remotely, especially since the app for diagnosis is on my phone. I told him to just leave things the way they were and I'd look into when I got home or the next day.
Even when I used my app. there were still no codes. In fact, the one it gave me when I ran the diagnostic said there was nothing wrong. Well, quite clearly there is. It's not cycling at all, just doing a violent wobble. I tried called the 800 number and the call kept dropping. I managed to have an online text chat with a representative and they finally said, 'yeah, we can't do anything more this way. we'll send someone out.'
In the mean time, we were doing our laundry up to his parents. Well, I say 'we' but it was actually Mr. Janney who took the laundry up on his days off and washed them. He even took care of the drying when he brought the wet clothes back home so I could sleep for work. Except for that one time when he was helping his dad and it was his mom who finished washing them. I don't know if I've ever said a proper thank you to her, so Mom Janney here's a THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for letting us borrow your washing machine.
The technician came and did a diagnostic on our machine on one of my days off while Mr. Janney was working. I can't help but wonder how the conversation would have went had the Man of the House been home. The Tech told me that it was the rear bearings and would cost almost as much as a new machine for them to replace them because it would take 2 of them to change them over the course of 4 hours. And the same if we just ordered the parts and changed them ourselves.
I'm not sure where they would be ordering their parts from. but I got mine off Ebay for about $40. I'm not sure how long it took Justin to change them, but he took the machine out to a friend's place where there would be more room so it was a bit of a process. It was an interesting process to be sure. He managed to get it out of the house on his own, and a neighbor helped him to get it from the steps and onto the back of the truck. I'm still gimpy but I managed to help him get it back in. And out again a second time, but I'm betting ahead of myself.
Needless to say, the diagnosis was incorrect. The machine still didn't work and was in fact still doing its violent shimmy, Mr. Janney visited a couple different places in town, asking if they worked on front load smart washers. The one place told him that they didn't even touch the newer machines at all. The second place said they worked on them, but there was no guarantee as they weren't fond of them either. Only they didn't do house calls, we'd have to take the machine to them and pay a fee up front. Which we did.
And fix it they did.
It was a loose wire in the RPM sensor. They weren't able to order a new wire harness for it, so they just soldered the wire back in place and didn't charge anything more. No promise to how long it would last. So we brought it back home and put it back to work.
I kid you not, the thing works better than it did before it broke. We've always had trouble with the machine not wanting to finish loads and not wringing the clothes out as thoroughly as it did in the very beginning. The techs back then just said, 'yeah those front loaders have that problem if the load isn't balanced. You need to be be make sure your loads are balanced.' Etc. Etc.
I wonder how long that wire was loose?!?!?! And we were basically being told that it was all in our heads!!!! At any rate, the machine is fixed and that's all the matters.
Thursday, November 3, 2022
Tentative Plans
The best laid plans of mice and men are laid to waste by the tides of time and poisoned traps.
Well, there's a bastardization of the line in Robert Burn's poem "To A Mouse". If the older English is hard to understand, here's a modern translation.
I decided to look it up when I typed my opening line to make sure I wasn't outright plagiarizing someone. Since the poem was originally written in 1786, I think I'm safe. I originally thought it might have something to do with John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men", but he got it from the poem too.
All that to say I have a plan to keep my blog active again, but it seems like every time I say I have a plan and try to stick to it, life comes along and throws me off course. And then, instead of getting back on track ASAP, I just give it all up for a while. Months, sometimes.
Since I am lucky enough to have a three day "weekend" from my job of driving truck, what I would like to do (and have managed to pull off for a WHOLE week now) - is to take a few minutes one of those days, or each day if needed, and type up a few quick posts and then schedule them out for Monday's through Friday's. I'm writing this Wednesday morning, but will schedule it for Thursday.
This will hopefully give me time during the week to share the posts and interact with any comments left, either here or on my Facebook page. I won't post anything on Saturday's and Sunday to give myself a break since I work the weekends unless I schedule off for a family doing - IF that family gives me enough advance warning to schedule the day off (looking at you youngest brother and giving you the stick-eye).
Although honestly, if the event is out of state, I usually have to schedule the entire weekend off. Just to give my autoimmune diseased tired-ass body a day to recover from the fun. I absolutely hate that, but that's just how life it I guess. I even have to deal with that after working only four days. If I've had a full 40+ hours in those four days, and I usually do, it's not uncommon for me to need all of Tuesday to feel like doing anything other than sleep. It sucks.
Ha! If I only had 40 hours during that work week, it'd be nice. And nicer still if it was all on one pay period! The pay period runs from Sunday to Saturday, so my days are split. It's not unusual for me to work 45 hours in those four days, but only end up with a paycheck for 38 hours. Overtime is after 8 hours, so there's that nicety!
Well, I just heard the wash machine singing the song of 'back to chores biotch' so I'm gonna wrap this little post up, schedule it and then work on another. Granted, it might still be another ten minutes before I get out there because I'll have to do a preview post to check for spelling errors and the dreaded formatting errors. Ugh, a simple picture can throw everything off and then I spend too long trying to fix everything so that fonts and sizes are consistent. Which is one reason why I haven't been "Justifying" my paragraphs and everything ends all choppy on the end. A little less hassle if something is askew.
Wish me luck!
Wednesday, November 2, 2022
Robin's Trying to Write
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This picture wasn't taken today, but ironically I'm wearing the same shirt |
Forever trying to write.
Sometime I actually do get something written.
I count writing blog posts as writing.
I count scribbling scene starts for my WIP (work in progress) as writing.
I'm at the point where I count staring at the screen for an hour and then changing a sentence from yesterday as writing.
Things are awkward at the moment because I'm sharing my laptop with my husband. He's been using it for gaming so it's in the game room at his desk and when I want to use it, I don't want to be bothered with moving it back to my desk. And his desk chair is decidedly uncomfortable.
It's an old chair, something we got at a thrift store years ago. It swivels, and rocks. There's something off in the rocker, and it clicks just like my bad knee does...almost as loud as my knee too.
I'm so close to finishing the third book in my series, but it's been like pulling teeth. Not just to find my laptop free, but to get the words out of my head and onto the screen. Which is why I've resorted to writing in a notebook when Mr. Janney is playing a game. It helps jostle things when I got o transcribe later.
He tells me that all I ever have to do is let him know when I want the laptop and he'll let me have it. I've tried explaining that sometimes I just can't focus long enough to write. Not sure what the problem is exactly.
But I have been inching closer and closer to the end. I'm a little worried, because it's not going to end with a traditional Happily Ever After ending. Something I'm told Romances are required to have. I've never considered the series strictly Romance, so I'm not sure if the ending would be forgivable.
Although I'm not sure who would be in charge for that forgiveness; I don't know who decides these things. Things will end on a happy note in the romance romance department for the main characters, but not necessarily for some of the side characters. And it's a series, so there has to be a hook for the next book.
I'm probably worrying about nothing.
I hope I'm worrying about nothing.
Tuesday, November 1, 2022
Whose Voice is it Anyway?
One of my new winter hats
I hope you can forgive the cutesy title, and that Whose Line doesn't sue me for trademark infringement! I've been watching so much Whose Line is it Anyway before bed that they've crept into my dreams, and let me tell you - those comedians on Chopped would be hilarious! They were a riot in my dream!
Obviously, the voice I'm trying to regain and exercise is my own.
So much of my life is spent silent and mute. Even when I'm part of a conference call between two other drivers, I spend most of my time just listening. I'm not sure if I honestly don't have anything to contribute to the conversation, or if I'm just too tired to get a word in edgewise. What would it tell you though, if I were to say that I'm the only female on this phone call? Although to be fair to both men, it's hard having a 'fair' conversation between more than two people.
I mean, we've all been in conversations where the talk just kind of flows around us. And even if we try to say something, or tell a story, all too often we're interrupted...and no one even notices.
Most of the time, instead of on the phone with these two drivers, I'd much rather be listening to an audiobook. Even though one is my husband.
I've been far too introspective since the last audiobook I listened to. "Finding Me" by Viola Davis. When a friend suggested that I use an old journal to write my memoirs, I balked at first because - well, I didn't really know what a memoir was. Even after I looked up the dictionary definition, I still wasn't sure. So I decided that maybe I should read some. Or in my case listen to them, since the bulk of my 'reading' is listening to audiobooks while I drive. So far, I've listened to two. At least, I think "Not Just Me" by Lisa Jakub counts as a memoir. Maybe not.
Either way, Viola Davis convinced me that someday I should write a memoir someday. Her story made me feel less alone, and even though I'm nobody famous, I like to think that my memoir would make someone else feel less alone too. Even though my story isn't all that unique or terrible, it's still my story.
Just another thing to put on my list of things to write.
Monday, October 31, 2022
Why Start Blogging Again?
Especially if all I'm going to do is unload my emotional baggage instead of giving you updates on my writing?
To get my voice working again.
Friday, October 28, 2022
More Venting
As I mentioned in my previous post, my health has been giving me some issues this past year. From a knee scope in January just to be told I need to lose weight before I can have a needed total replacement done, to thyroid meds working overtime. I even fell over a month ago and because I didn't want to land on that bad knee, I tried going down on an angle and instead managed to sprain that knee.
I've been diagnosed with IBS. We've been playing with my diabetic meds, some of which play havoc with the digestive system so it's twice as much fun.
The irony of this, is that one of the many reasons I wanted to switch to driving local was to get a handle on my health issues. It is very hard to eat healthy driving over the road; not impossible, but I was not managing well. When there's a constant push to keep the truck moving, fast and easy was the usual go-to. My sugars were running high, and I was gaining weight.
And then I came home and my knee began bothering me, making both issues harder to manage. I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle. My self talk has gotten horrendous. I can't seem to stop eating, self medicating the depression, so I've begun asking myself if the food is worth my life ... literally asking myself 'Do you want to die?' every time I go for something sweet. It doesn't help.
To be honest, I'm sick of vegetables. I take a baggie of raw veggies along with me when I drive, and by the second or third day - I just can't stand them anymore. And I'm taking veggies I like and/or can tolerate. There have been many weeks that by the end, I'm just carting the baggie around. I'll eat the small bag of snacks I've brought, pita crackers and nuts, and my protein bar, and that'll be it.
I'm also tired of cooking and meal prep in general. But I'm the only one here that will cook, so If I don't make something, we're gonna go hungry. I have a hard time standing for any length of time, so I make a lot of quick meals that I don't need to stand over the stove for. (looking at you Pampered Chef Quick Cooker) But even that is trying my patience.
I've begun going to the local bariatric center for diet help. But I don't feel like I'm being heard, so I don't know.
For so many reasons I can't go into online, I feel like I'm fighting a losing battle.
Thursday, October 27, 2022
A Year Later
Here I am opening up blogger to try and write a new post finding out that it's been a whole year since I've posted something. Almost to the day!
And as usual, I have no idea what to write. My original idea vanished as soon as I saw the date of my last post because it was like, no I can't just start talking about ... well, anything after all that silence.
I have the same problem with my blog that I do with my YouTube channel ... I'll have all these great ideas in my head, and then as soon as I turn on the camera or the computer, it all goes POOF.
Not sure what my hang-up is, depression mixed with pain probably. Between the arthritis in my knee, my lower back, my shoulder, and my Achilles tendons, I feel like I take a bath in Voltaren gel. An ineffective bath at that.
I take prescription meds for both the depression and the arthritis, but sometimes I feel like they cancel each other out. When the pain doesn't go away, it's hard to feel peppy and motivated and shit like that. Mr. Janney commented yesterday that it looked like I was walking better...and what I should have said out loud was "That doesn't mean it doesn't still hurt, I've just learnt how to compensate."
And that's what it boils down to. Learning how to live with the pain and the depression so that I can remain a functioning adult because life shows no mercy for anyone ... oh wait, it's Cobra Kai that show no mercy ... no, no, I'm sure it's life ... lol
I can't tell if I'm feeling sorry for myself ... or if I'm legit overwhelmed and in need of help. Maybe I just need fully caffeinated coffee. In the summer, I had to go through some hoops to pass my yearly physical for my CDL because the doctor thought my resting heartrate was too fast. Had to go through a battery of tests just to determine that my thyroid meds were doing too good of a job! Better safe than sorry, but one of the things I've tried incorporating in my life to keep my heart rate lower is less caffeine ... and let me tell you, life without caffeine is no joke. When I say that, keep in mind that during my work week my 'get your ass out of bed' alarm goes off at the ungoldy hour of 1:30AM! Even if I've managed to get to bed by 5PM, and asleep before 6, it's still hard as heck to stay awake driving that early.
And yes, I see that spelling error up above and am deliberately leaving it in there. ;)
Okay, enough venting for now. I'm going to publish this, then work on another post for later.