Thursday, November 3, 2022

Tentative Plans


The best laid plans of mice and men are laid to waste by the tides of time and poisoned traps.

Well, there's a bastardization of the line in Robert Burn's poem "To A Mouse". If the older English is hard to understand, here's a modern translation.

I decided to look it up when I typed my opening line to make sure I wasn't outright plagiarizing someone. Since the poem was originally written in 1786, I think I'm safe. I originally thought it might have something to do with John Steinbeck's "Of Mice and Men", but he got it from the poem too. 

All that to say I have a plan to keep my blog active again, but it seems like every time I say I have a plan and try to stick to it, life comes along and throws me off course. And then, instead of getting back on track ASAP, I just give it all up for a while. Months, sometimes.

Since I am lucky enough to have a three day "weekend" from my job of driving truck, what I would like to do (and have managed to pull off for a WHOLE week now) - is to take a few minutes one of those days, or each day if needed, and type up a few quick posts and then schedule them out for Monday's through Friday's. I'm writing this Wednesday morning, but will schedule it for Thursday.

This will hopefully give me time during the week to share the posts and interact with any comments left, either here or on my Facebook page. I won't post anything on Saturday's and Sunday to give myself a break since I work the weekends unless I schedule off for a family doing - IF that family gives me enough advance warning to schedule the day off (looking at you youngest brother and giving you the stick-eye).

Although honestly, if the event is out of state, I usually have to schedule the entire weekend off. Just to give my autoimmune diseased tired-ass body a day to recover from the fun. I absolutely hate that, but that's just how life it I guess. I even have to deal with that after working only four days. If I've had a full 40+ hours in those four days, and I usually do, it's not uncommon for me to need all of Tuesday to feel like doing anything other than sleep. It sucks.

Ha! If I only had 40 hours during that work week, it'd be nice. And nicer still if it was all on one pay period! The pay period runs from Sunday to Saturday, so my days are split. It's not unusual for me to work 45 hours in those four days, but only end up with a paycheck for 38 hours. Overtime is after 8 hours, so there's that nicety!

Well, I just heard the wash machine singing the song of 'back to chores biotch' so I'm gonna wrap this little post up, schedule it and then work on another. Granted, it might still be another ten minutes before I get out there because I'll have to do a preview post to check for spelling errors and the dreaded formatting errors. Ugh, a simple picture can throw everything off and then I spend too long trying to fix everything so that fonts and sizes are consistent. Which is one reason why I haven't been "Justifying" my paragraphs and everything ends all choppy on the end. A little less hassle if something is askew.

Wish me luck!

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