When we were kids, my siblings and I, we would get the biggest kick out of actually getting up and standing next to the television when that sign came up on the screen. What can I say, we were easily entertained and amused! We were goofy kids!
All that lead in to say that loads have been short the past week or so. When that happens, it's not unusual for one or more of us drivers to get a text message saying that we're on Stand By until an hour before our normal start time and if there isn't a call off or a new load that pops up by then, we'll be benched for the day. Since my normal start time is 3am, I don't get up to actually stand by anything! Ha! No.
Nope, this girl stays in bed and just cat naps until the deadline has passed. I have gotten a load dispatched to me after receiving the Stand By message, so it does happen. But most of the time, it doesn't and we'll get a surprise day off. We have a guaranteed minimum each week so long as we don't call off or schedule a day off.
It's nice once in a while, but when you get it more than once in the week, it's a little frustrating. Even with my four day work week, I can still average more than the guaranteed pay. It was frustrating Monday morning though mostly because I couldn't fall back asleep for more than an hour once I realized there wasn't going to be a load dispatched. I should have just gotten up, but I'm also not feeling well - so it didn't hurt my feelings that this was my second day being benched during my work week. I have a one-sided - something - going on. Soreish throat and a mild ear ache. Hoping it's just some sort of weird allergy because it kind of comes and goes throughout the day. Although, it's been doing that for about a week or so; for example, I felt fine yesterday.
At least I was able to get a jump start on the blog posts this week.
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