Thursday, December 26, 2024

Happy New Year 2025

 Here we are, almost at the beginning of another new year.

The calendar page flips and that's about all. Depending on how you view the seasons, we're either at the start of winter or in mid-winter. Regardless it's cold and often snowy here in Northeast PA.

I checked the last blog I posted and it was near the end of 2022. So two years have passed since I've given you a peak into my life. Not much has changed. I don't have a head cold like I did in that post, although I have recently gotten over a sinus infection. Those are always fun; this one lasted about two weeks.

Hubby and I are still driving truck, still local. The pay is good, the hours long, the scenery unchanging. Granted, at 3am all scenery is too dark to see! I miss seeing the Rockies though.

Pete's second favorite hobby
is napping in my lap
We did get a new dog in January of 2023. He is a little turd that we love dearly even when he is demanding that the tennis ball be thrown down the hallway, which is quite often. When we're not doing that, we're sitting in my recliner pictured to the right.

I also don't have to share the laptop anymore. We were able to get Mr. Janney his own for gaming. I'm still not used to that change in things, but here I am typing on a new keyboard he got me for Christmas seeing if I can't remember how this is done.

How does one string words together anyway?

One after another.

I have been working on poetry here and there over the past few weeks. A friend recommended that I install a voice-to-text app on my phone for when I'm driving and it has helped me get those old gears grinding again. I usually drive with my phone mounted on the dash so I can keep the map on even though I know where I'm going. The map usually gives me a few minutes notice about slowdowns ahead and accidents. It also has a setting that allows me to control whatever I am listening to, whether it is an audiobook or music. And it allows me to see who's calling in the middle of all that.

I am looking at a preview of this post and it shows font changed that shouldn't be there and it's so discouraging. Why is this so hard dear BlogSpot? Just because I added a picture?

Not going to lie, I don't know if I'm going to keep up on this blog. Not because I don't want to really. Just because I'm not sure what the point is. Of any of it right now. With all the various social medias, is this even worth doing anymore? I don't know.

I guess we'll just see what the new year brings.