One of the things that happened when I began the process to become a truck driver was a sleep apnea diagnosis. Because I'd had no previous testing done, they gave me a 6 month period to get a sleep test done and implement any treatment if I was diagnosed with any sleeping disorder. I was irritated because it was based solely on my weight and not whether I had any symptoms. But it was a moot point I guess because I knew I did snore so there was a chance I had sleep apnea.
And I did. Not bad enough that the technician observing me that night had to come in and immediately connect me to a sleep machine. It was weird enough knowing that something like that could happen.
Something that I noticed shortly after I started sleeping with c-pap machine, was an uptick in my dreams. I've always been a dreamer, but I never noticed that they had dropped off over the years. Which is weird in retrospect since many of my stories are birthed in dreams. Not all, but more than a few.
I noticed not only was I having more dreams, but more vivid dreams. Now, this is fine for good dreams. It's okay for normal crazy dreams. But I don't like it when the dreams are - not so nice. What's a girl to do though? Sometimes if I'm aware I'm dreaming, I can change it to a lighter theme, but that does not happen nearly as often as I'd like it to. At least there has been less sleep paralysis dreams - man, I hated those.
I must have been somewhat aware I was dreaming this morning, Tuesday morning. I was having this weird dream that I was still in high school and missed the school bus, but it was no big deal because my Rogue was sitting in the driveway and I told my mom I was just going to drive myself to school since that's what the car was for - and then proceeded to tell her in the dream that "I dream about missing the school bus all the time and I hate that because I'm not in school anymore." Of course, I also dreamt that I was getting a class ring - and then was having an in-dream conversation about how that never happened.
I really do have that dream about missing the school bus a lot. I don't know why. Unless it has something to do with that fact that I absolutely hated riding the bus because it was a living hell every single day and wished I could have driven myself to school back in the day. No telling what my subconscious is trying to do there.
But some dreams are easier to interpret than others. Tornado dreams for example. Tornados usually represent feeling out of control, change - either positive or negative, and/or destruction. I've dreamed about tornadoes 3 times in the past 2 weeks, and since I usually feel as though I have no control in my life, I can kind of understand that - except for the 3rd one.
The first two were similar. I was watching the tornados form and approach from a distance. Then they hopped and were skirting alongside the buildings, doing damage and harm to others around me. Not the level of damage one would expect from a tornado, but still damage. And no one wanted to listen to my warnings that 'hey, there's a tornado coming.'
But the third was something truly special. In it, I was a member of a team who used supernatural powers to actually create tornados in a building and then 'released them into the wild'. The wild was an extension of the lab we were using. It would have been okay except one of the teammates decided to tie another to a tree in this outdoor lab so that they'd be killed when the tornado was released. Boy, were we pissed - but we covered it up anyway. Imagine trying to wipe down a tree to remove prints., good grief! And I have no idea who any of these people were. Since we aren't supposed to be able to dream of people and places we've never seen, I'm going to guess they were one of the zillion extras on tv shows and movies. Probably some of the plot if from one of the end of the world movies I've watched recently too.
Except for that one time I did dream about a place I'd never been before. And would have had no way of seeing it in any way, shape, or form before hand. But that's another story I don't feel like getting into.
I wonder if I should start keeping a dream journal. But damn, that sounds like a lot of work.